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Psychological diet support to kidney patient:

you're not hopeless

renal diet


kidney diet

- Patty Smith


Why psychological support for kidney disease patient?

Receiving a diagnosis of kidney disease, impaired kidney function o be on kidney dialysis is a stressful and traumatic life event by which an individual is confronted. The renal disease is, in fact, a disease that affects all dimensions of 'human existence: personal and identity, relational and social, existential and spiritual.

Reacting to the diagnosis, dealing with the consequences of the treatments on the physical and psychological, and live with the fears associated with kidney disease, involve the patient in a great emotional burden.

The availability of psychological support is an 'important resource to promote well-being and quality of life of the patient and his family.


Psychological support at home for kidney dialysis patient:

psychological support home offers the opportunity to receive emotional support in their own home for kidney dialysis patient.

  • The intervention of support, both direct to the family that the patient has the objective to offer:

  • support and enhancement of personal and family resources;

  • containment of the suffering and stress intrapersonal and interpersonal;

  • encouraging communication among family members and between the family and the sick;

  • listening and information with respect to the various problems that arise throughout the course of kidney disease;

Our center is the only one to offer psychological support home care at any stage of the process of kidney disease.

Not only the end stage renal disease, but also the discovery of the diagnosis and the duration of the treatments constitute elements of strong emotional discomfort for the patient and the family.

It’s important to pay attention, therefore, fears, needs and rights of the patient at any time during the course of treatment, recognizing that the patient, before a patient is first and foremost a person.

Why psychological support for kidney disease patient?

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